5.9/10 【剧透】简直是一出闹剧,前面还是老套路,抛出一堆新人物在这里面猜谁是新鬼脸面具杀手,各种扰乱各种带节奏,结果最后闹出来个女主同母异父的哥哥,原因是憎恨妹妹夺走了一切,莫名其妙的剧情
Sublimation of romance in both spiritual & carnal sides in a thrilling, dark & foreboding atmosphere. Impressive cinematography & time-colouring, making up for some memorable scenes. Unequal performances though (top-notch stuff by Oldman, blunt act by Keenu). 2020 edit, after reading the book: Masterpiece. Should have been titled Coppola's Dracula as the director, although adapting the original material, proceeds to a substantial transfiguration. The film is a constant dialogue between two great artists, making use of aesthetics and themes most pertinent to their time. The book serves as a revered foundation, on which the director builds upon layers of subtext, a new story & meanings